The Son be fun


Thank you

I am sorry I must ask for donations. Intentionally, I wanted to rely on formal Norwegian governmental aid to incapacitated and indisposed people. I have been such people for twenty years. These last years, though, I have spent all my reserves, which makes it diffucult for me to do so.

Here, I present an account of mine in my Norwegian bank.

For me to live decent, and to keep my apartment, I need money. Any donation will be affording me a decent living, by the ability to pay bills and buy necessities.

What is needed for transfer from abroad, I believe, is the following information:

Electronic IBAN account number: NO0552701084888
Paper format IBAN account number: NO05 5270 1084 888
My address is:
Anders Woje Ellingsen
Rådyrveien 25 B
7082 Kattem
Thank you.
This page was established September 11th the year of 2020, and was finished the day after.
  1. After aI took down the Trixnix portal a couple of days ago, by October 11th 2021 this page was transferred to the new site.
  2. The site was rewritten December 10th 2023.
  3. This site was modified August 30th 2024.

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