The Son be fun

The Gordian Knot

The Gordian Knot

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The Gordian knot

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The Gordian knot

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The Gordian knot

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The Gordian knot - in a way

Ai am confident this knot pictured in the four photographs on this page is the so called Gordian knot. According to tradition, the one untying it will conquer Asia, the myth from Turkey in the times of Alexander the Great. Untying a knot is not the same as loosening it. And you see in the last of the four photographs how the knot is fit to tie a yoke to a pole. Ai discovered the knot in the afternoon of December the 12th 2019. And decided aI would publish it, straight away. So aI did, on Blogg Prixnix, that is my, in Norwegian. Thank, You, Lord. Ai believe it had some effect.

To satisfy your diverging curiosity, aI can tell you that little paper box shown in the photographs is a box of matches from the company in Norway making those, as the one and only, aI believe. The size of that box has never changed, aI believe, so traditionally, that box has been used in photographs to show width and length, as in photographs for scientific use and as in photographs for to be used as evidence in court.

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