The Son be fun


Trixnix must be
| insanely good |
Prixnix is the English portal to Trixnix, which is Norwegian, with numerous expressions in English.

I am declared insane. I am by o(c, which is the Girl. Trixnix is a world of many web sites, all created by myself by the service of Google. One can imagine going into a city, with walls around it, and rivers floating. The web sites are either in Norwegian or in English, with a few exceptions. Here is art in all four basic forms. Any expression of art is by me. Call me Vaccinius. Man's faith is my concern.

My name is Anders Woje Ellingsen. I live in Norway.

As Vaccinius™ I make the conscience valid. Thereby I am the girl. Trixnix is her work. It is made in gratitude to Jesus Christ, Our Lord.

: [ Ambition ]

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God."
St. Matthew 5:9

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